"Liguria Paleolithic Art Magazine" has changed its name in
The name "Liguria" does not appear more, because the scientific trend has been become wider.
Three years ago, when Liguria Paleolithic Art Magazine has been founded, the prevailing address was that one to introduce the sculpture of the lower and middle Paleolithic of the Liguria *.
From then until today, gradually, the studies published have been set up on the evolution of the sculpture from the lower and middle Paleolithic, in VERTICAL SENSE, until the sculptures of the successives prehistorical and historical periods of all the world.
This year, with the birth of the "science of the art", the PALEOARTEOLOGY, will begin the publications of studies in HORIZONTAL SENSE, that is there will be also some analyses of different artistic civilizations. existing at the same time in different territories, therefore Paleolithic Art Magazine is developed, opening itself also to the painting, the graffiti on rock, and every other shape of art, than until today was excluded .
* LIGURIA (short historical-geographic mention for readings from other continents).
Liguria, defined by genuensis Nobel for the poetry Eugenio Montale "a delirium of sea", whose "gardens made thirsty", punctuates from olive trees and cypresses, open themselves bravely on "enclosures of cliffs", is a small region of northern Italy tightened at the shoulders from mountains, to the borders with France.
Genoa, from where is Paleolithic Art Magazine, is chief town of Liguria.
Liguria, conjontly with France, is "native land" of the prehistoric art. The first diggings came made in the Caves of the Balzi Rossi , under the auspices of the Principauté of Monaco, beginning from 1846 1892, and in these caves were found the first feminine paleolithic statuines , called "Venus".
This region is rich of caves with rests of the prehistoric man, and important are its prehistoric rock sculptures, like the Colossus of Borzone, the Great Brace of Tiglieto, and the anthropomorhic menhir of Tremonti, La Spezia.
Licia Filingeri Editor
Genova, 2002 , August 7
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